Water is life. Water should be a richness for everyone.
The Water Collection
These pictures are basically featured as Tryptic and Sixtic, in groups of three and six. The dimension has been set on the basis of 1.20 x 1.80, and the installation to give an illusion of levitating the image itself by bringing movement to it, as if it is a Mirage.
The name, Mirages has been chosen, because of its paradox regarding the concept. Committing ourselves to making this project successful will show that dreams can become reality and that a Mirage could turn into an oasis, instead of a subliminal image floating in the air.
Mirages is a direct input to the planet. It wants to show that water is a fundamental element required for this world to exist. This project has also been created for all people to be aware of the necessity of protecting what has been taken for granted for too long by the population, yet remains a luxury for others that are ignored.
The social commitment of Mirages is a very important pillar. We want to give a percentage of each sale to a foundation dedicated to helping people who don’t have access to water.
We would like to introduce to you, The Water Collection, the first in a series by Mirages Artisans, based on its ever-evolving movement. Each vibrant photograph was beautifully captured in Mexico, by French artist Serge Grad.
The Water Collection
We would like to introduce to you, The Water Collection, the first in a series by Mirages Artisans, based on its ever-evolving movement. Each vibrant photograph was beautifully captured in Mexico, by French artist Serge Grad. Copyright 2020 Serge Grad
A Vision Into Reality
Mirages, mirages, you said mirages …. The dunes golden by an incandescent sun undulate under a leaden sky accompanied by chimeras and other ghostly images that only the sharp eyes of the Sahrawis free from the illusory can discern, thus drawing the contours stolen from a virtual reality that nature imprints with a divine light, making out of these reptilian dances lost in the infinity of the desert, the desire of adventurers of a day.
Earth, wind, fire, of course, but more than all, water. Water, fountain of youth, hymn to life, the black gold of this third millennium, essence among the senses with its oceans shattering on the cliffs of the Pacific or those of the Atlantic. The water rolling from the summits still covered with eternal snows, carrying with it a deafening torrent of calmness, the stones, sculpted, streaked by it, before throwing itself into the bed of rivers flowing peacefully like a serpent with a thousand reflections. The flora, the fauna fed by its own flesh, invisible, transparent, sliding from human fingers like a dust of gold.
Wealth of a day, wealth of yesteryear. Wealth of a thirsty world.
Yes, water, invisible treasure, but so present in our lives. Beautiful in a pale morning, or bathed in light. The water that the cedars of Lebanon, or the redwoods of the new world celebrate rising in the skies. From the packed ice to the land of fire, blessed, sacred. Water, the source of life. Water, our most precious asset. Water, a mirage that travelers from another world look at without seeing it …
Serge Grad
Artistic Director and Dream Maker